Lost your business mojo?
Lynne Rawlinson
In the early days, every day was business go-go – now it’s more like business no-no. So how do you get your business mojo back?
There’s no simple answer – your business is as individual as you are. But there are a few techniques that can put that spring back into your step as you walk to work.
New marketing – Do you have client fatigue? Targeting new sectors can bring fresh challenges that will help you see your work differently and remind you just how valuable you are.
Diversify – Sometimes, doing the same thing day in and day out can make what you used to love feel like a daily grind. Open your mind to new ideas and business directions and you may spot opportunities that could bring in a whole new revenue stream.
Find a mentor – You may not be able to see the value in what you do anymore, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. An outsider can give you a whole new perspective on your business and renew your zest for success.
Streamline – If there’s a task you dread, ditch it! You don’t have to be all things to all people – specialise in what you love to do, or outsource essential tasks you dislike.
Finally, is it time for a change? Losing your love for your business may result in you losing your business entirely. Think about where you want to be and what it takes to get you there and go for it.
You are the boss, after all!
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